Join us for the club’s 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM). All are welcome! The meeting bridge will open at 6:30pm and we expect to get started by 6:45pm.
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome, introductions and opening remarks
- Club season review
- Membership
- Financial review
- Trails/Projects review 2021/2022
- Future Events
- Executive and succession
- Questions and Round Table
- Closing Remarks
- Adjournment
This will be an online meeting using Microsoft Teams. You do not need to have Teams to join this meeting but you can install it if you wish. If you do not want Teams on your computer, click on “Continue on this browser” once the meeting page pops up. If you cannot join via your computer, you can use the call-in phone numbers and conference ID listed below.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting<>
Or call in (audio only)
+1 437-703-4623,,828778159#<tel:+14377034623,,828778159#> Canada, Toronto
(833) 569-0242,,828778159#<tel:8335690242,,828778159#> Canada (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 828 778 159#
Find a local number<> | Reset PIN<>
Use this number for Toll-Free Calls – (833) 569-0242 Learn More<> | Meeting options<>