- All ride attendees must adhere to Ontario Provincial Law 316/03 in the operation of their ATV or ORV.
- All ride attendees must ride in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Stay on the trail! Respect private property. Tread lightly: leave our beautiful wilderness as you found it for all to enjoy.
- All ride attendees must operate their machine in the safest possible manner at all times.
- All ride attendees MUST WEAR AND PROPERLY SECURE their DOT approved helmet at all times when on their ATV or in their Side by Side ORV, this includes passengers. All occupants of a Side by Side ORV must wear their seat belts. There are no exceptions to these rules for anyone. In over 50% of all ATV/ORV fatalities in Ontario, the rider failed to either wear or properly secure their helmet. Please read these Tips for the ATV Rider and watch this important Safety Video from DirtTrax TV.
- All club-sponsored rides are dry rides. There is ZERO TOLERANCE for alcohol or drugs while participating in a ride.
- Each ATV/ORV operator will ride SINGLE FILE. No passing is allowed.
- Each ATV/ORV operator is responsible for staying in visual contact with the rider behind them while participating in a club ride.
- Each ATV/ORV driver must drive within their own comfort level for the trail conditions on which they are driving and they must stay within the legal speed limit.
- Never try to keep up with the rider in front of you, instead the rider in front of you must slow down to the speed you are travelling at. If you need to stop for any reason then stop. The riders in front of you is required to stop and wait.
- All members MUST HAVE AND CARRY WITH THEM their ATV/ORV registration (ownership), valid liability insurance for their machine and a valid driver’s license.
- No club ride shall take place or continue without first assigning lead and tail riders.
- Headlights must be turned on while participating in a club ride.
- The minimum age to operate an appropriately sized ATV on OFATV trails is 12 years. Note that ATV/ORV operators without a valid driver’s license are not permitted to operate their ATV/ORV on Ontario roads. ATV operators between 6 years and 12 years of age are permitted to operate an appropriately sized ATV on Crown Land provided they are under DIRECT supervision of an adult.
- Side by Side ORVs and Two-Up ATVs are permitted on OFATV trails and are now permitted to operate on Ontario roads. Thanks to the OFATV and their efforts in getting Ontario Regulation 316/03 updated to allow this!
NOTE: Many club organized rides will use roads to connect between trails. It is the ride attendee’s responsibility to ensure that they are operating their ATV/ORV in accordance with Ontario law. Check the club events on our website or on our Facebook page to see the ride details prior to the ride. You may post questions about the ride on our Facebook page provided you have a Facebook account. You do not have to be a club member to post on our Facebook page or to attend our rides, everyone with a valid OFATV trail permit is welcome.